Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday Blog 1

Blog 1: Ideas for PD Sessions during the school year.
I prefer not to miss days at school (kind of a control freak and I don't think anyone else can execute my lessons the way I want :-p) but for me a Saturday or a day on a 3-day weekend is so much better.

Follow up on how we are doing and challenges or triumphs we may be expereincing?

Perhaps more training on Fathom once we get going and using it in our classroom

1 comment:

  1. I COMPLETELY understand about not wanting to miss class. We don't have subs at the college, but I used to ask other faculty to fill in for me if I'm gone, but I've found its better if I just cancel class rather than try to pick up the pieces.

    Fathom training mid-year will be great to get more practical ideas for in-class use. By that time, I'll bet several people will have some things to share of what worked and what didn't.

    Good luck with the start of school. I really enjoyed my week with you.

